Search strategy for a systematic review: workshop

Online course via Microsoft Teams

With a systematic review, you aim to gather all the evidence about your research question. A sensitive search strategy for searching biomedical and/or multidisciplinary databases is essential. This workshop will teach you how to set up a search strategy and how to avoid pitfalls. Highly recommended for those conducting or supervising a systematic review. Format: [...]

Evidence-based guidelines: best practices and tools

Online course via Microsoft Teams

Een evidence-based guideline (oftewel: een richtlijn voor de klinische praktijk) is een systematisch opgestelde verklaring die aanbevelingen bevat om artsen, patiënten, zorgverleners of beleidmakers te helpen bij het nemen van beslissingen over passende gezondheidszorg in specifieke klinische omstandigheden met als doel om de zorg voor de patiënt te optimaliseren. Een richtlijn voor de klinische praktijk [...]

Turn your manuscript into a publication: a toolbox for authors

Online course via Microsoft Teams

Editors of (bio)medical journals today receive an overload of scientific articles. Articles that fit within the scope of the journal and comply with international standards in terms of reporting as well as the journal's regulations are eligible for peer review. During this introductory session, tips & tricks and a toolbox are provided to increase your [...]

Authoring for Cochrane – how can Cochrane Belgium help you and experiences from a Kidney and Transplant reviewer

Online course via Microsoft Teams

Who and what is The Cochrane Collaboration? How can they help you performing your systematic review? The Cochrane Collaboration aims to promote evidence-informed decision making by producing high quality systematic reviews. In order to comply with methodological standards laid out by the collaboration, review authors must develop specific skills in literature searching, critical appraisal, meta-analysis, [...]

Helping your audience find and understand your academic paper

Leslokaal 5.1 (Campus UZ Gent) C. Heymanslaan 10 (gebouw B3), Gent, België

Activities aimed at promoting research are increasingly important in researchers' work. By making your research visible and accessible and tailor your communication to the target audiences, you increase chances of your research being noticed, used and having impact. During this Knowledge 2 Connect seminar, your get insights in how to write a plain language summary [...]


Online course via Microsoft Teams

Do you want to explore the features of this database including nursing evidence? Do you have the feeling you can find too many or just too few scientific articles in CINAHL? Are the articles you find often irrelevant? Do you feel you are losing a lot of time in your literature search? Then do not [...]

Systematic review: risk of bias and quality assessment

Online course via Microsoft Teams

With a systematic review you aim to collect all evidence about your research question and to assess its quality. Thanks to this session, you will learn which tools to use for which type of systematic review and we will elaborate on the Cochrane Organization's Risk of Bias Tool and GRADE. Highly recommended for those conducting [...]

Web of Science

Online course via Microsoft Teams

Do you want to explore the features of searching in this multidisciplinary database? Then do not hesitate to enroll.   Learning outcomes of the course Upon completion of this course, participants will have an understanding of which source is most suitable for which research question and goal, an understanding of stemming and lemmatization, the skills [...]

Conducting and publishing a systematic review and meta-analysis (5 half days) (ENG)

Online course via Microsoft Teams

The Specialist Course “Conducting and publishing a systematic review and meta-analysis” is a Specialist course part of the Doctoral training programme given by the Knowledge Centre for Health Ghent and the Biostatistics Unit, with the support of the Flemish Government and the Doctoral Schools of Ghent University. Target group Since it is an interactive workshop [...]

Zoeken in Embase

Online course via Microsoft Teams

Ben je op zoek naar biomedische literatuur die relevant is voor jouw onderwerp? Wil je efficiënter leren zoeken in de databank van Embase? In deze online infosessie krijg je vaardigheden en tips aangereikt om verder aan de slag te gaan. We wisselen theorie uit met praktische oefeningen. Inschrijven is mogelijk om een bevestigingsmail met Teams-link [...]