Search strategy for a systematic review: workshop

Online course via Microsoft Teams

With a systematic review, you aim to gather all the evidence about your research question. A sensitive search strategy for searching biomedical and/or multidisciplinary databases is essential. This workshop will teach you how to set up a search strategy and how to avoid pitfalls. Highly recommended for those conducting or supervising a systematic review. Format: [...]

The Cochrane Library

Online course via Microsoft Teams

Do you want to explore the Cochrane database of systematic reviews, CENTRAL and Clinical Answers? Then do not hesitate to enroll.   Learning outcomes of the course Upon completion of this course, participants will have an understanding of which source is most suitable for which research question and goal, an understanding of indexing and the [...]


Do you want to explore the features of this database including nursing evidence? Do you have the feeling you can find too many or just too few scientific articles in CINAHL? Are the articles you find often irrelevant? Do you feel you are losing a lot of time in your literature search? Then do not [...]


Online course via Microsoft Teams

Do you want to explore the features of searching in this multidisciplinary database? Then do not hesitate to enroll. Learning outcomes of the course Upon completion of this course, participants will have an understanding of which source is most suitable for which research question and goal, an understanding of stemming and lemmatization, the skills to [...]

Turn your manuscript into a publication: a toolbox for author

Online course via Microsoft Teams

Editors of (bio)medical journals today receive an overload of scientific articles. Articles that fit within the scope of the journal and comply with international standards in terms of reporting as well as the journal's regulations are eligible for peer review. During this introductory session, tips & tricks and a toolbox are provided to increase your [...]

AI for literature research

Online course via Microsoft Teams

Explore the world of AI tools for literature research during our interactive information session! What is ChatGPT and what are the do's and don'ts when using this tool to support your literature research? Discover other valuable AI tools that can enrich your research. These questions are central to our session, where we highlight the AI [...]


Online course via Microsoft Teams

Do you want to explore the additional features of searching in Ovid MEDLINE instead of PubMed? Do you want to prepare yourself for an international career where this interface is used much more frequently? Then do not hesitate to enroll. Learning outcomes of the course Upon completion of this course, participants will have an understanding [...]

Predatory practices in academic publishing, focused on health sciences

Online course via Microsoft Teams

Every researcher who wants to publish research results, faces so called predatory publishing. These are publication venues that claim to be legitimate scholarly open access journals, but misrepresent their publishing practices. Because there is a wide spectrum from genuinely fraudulent and deceitful practices to questionable and unethical practices, we rather speak of predatory practices instead [...]

MEDLINE (via the PubMed interface)

Online course via Microsoft Teams

Do you have the feeling you can find too many or just too few scientific articles in PubMed? Are the articles you find often irrelevant? Do you feel you are losing a lot of time in your literature search? Then do not hesitate to enroll.   Learning outcomes of the course Upon completion of this [...]

Evidence-based guidelines: best practices and tools

Een evidence-based guideline (oftewel: een richtlijn voor de klinische praktijk) is een systematisch opgestelde verklaring die aanbevelingen bevat om artsen, patiënten, zorgverleners of beleidmakers te helpen bij het nemen van beslissingen over passende gezondheidszorg in specifieke klinische omstandigheden met als doel om de zorg voor de patiënt te optimaliseren. Een richtlijn voor de klinische praktijk [...]