Understanding (your) research metrics

Online course via Microsoft Teams

Generally speaking for researchers, the availability of metrics depends on your research output being available online. Individual researchers might use metrics as evidence for job or grant applications or to inform a publication and communication strategy. Beyond personal interest, research metrics are used to rank and to benchmark universities and to drive policy and funding [...]

Wetenschapscommunicatie met de onderzoeksgemeenschap

Online course via Microsoft Teams

Een goede zichtbaarheid van wetenschappelijke output, zorgt voor een groter bereik en mogelijks impact van het wetenschappelijke werk van de onderzoeker, zowel op maatschappelijk, wetenschappelijk als economisch vlak. In deze informatiesessie willen we onderzoekers ondersteunen in het vinden van de juiste communicatiestrategie om de zichtbaarheid van wetenschappelijk onderzoek te verhogen. Sociale media (zoals LinkedIN en [...]

Turn your manuscript into a publication: a toolbox for authors

Online course via Microsoft Teams

Editors of (bio)medical journals today receive an overload of scientific articles. Articles that fit within the scope of the journal and comply with international standards in terms of reporting as well as the journal's regulations are eligible for peer review. During this introductory session, tips & tricks and a toolbox are provided to increase your [...]

Understanding (your) research metrics

Online course via Microsoft Teams

Generally speaking for researchers, the availability of metrics depends on your research output being available online. Individual researchers might use metrics as evidence for job or grant applications or to inform a publication and communication strategy. Beyond personal interest, research metrics are used to rank and to benchmark universities and to drive policy and funding [...]

Wetenschapscommunicatie met de onderzoeksgemeenschap

Online course via Microsoft Teams

Een goede zichtbaarheid van wetenschappelijke output, zorgt voor een groter bereik en mogelijks impact van het wetenschappelijke werk van de onderzoeker, zowel op maatschappelijk, wetenschappelijk als economisch vlak. In deze informatiesessie willen we onderzoekers ondersteunen in het vinden van de juiste communicatiestrategie om de zichtbaarheid van wetenschappelijk onderzoek te verhogen. Sociale media (zoals LinkedIN en [...]

Turn your manuscript into a publication: a toolbox for authors

Online course via Microsoft Teams

Editors of (bio)medical journals today receive an overload of scientific articles. Articles that fit within the scope of the journal and comply with international standards in terms of reporting as well as the journal's regulations are eligible for peer review. During this introductory session, tips & tricks and a toolbox are provided to increase your [...]

Turn your manuscript into a publication: a toolbox for author

Online course via Microsoft Teams

Editors of (bio)medical journals today receive an overload of scientific articles. Articles that fit within the scope of the journal and comply with international standards in terms of reporting as well as the journal's regulations are eligible for peer review. During this introductory session, tips & tricks and a toolbox are provided to increase your [...]

Predatory practices in academic publishing, focused on health sciences

Online course via Microsoft Teams

Every researcher who wants to publish research results, faces so called predatory publishing. These are publication venues that claim to be legitimate scholarly open access journals, but misrepresent their publishing practices. Because there is a wide spectrum from genuinely fraudulent and deceitful practices to questionable and unethical practices, we rather speak of predatory practices instead [...]