Search strategy for a systematic review: workshop

Online course via Microsoft Teams

With a systematic review, you aim to gather all the evidence about your research question. A sensitive search strategy for searching biomedical and/or multidisciplinary databases is essential. This workshop will teach you how to set up a search strategy and how to avoid pitfalls. Highly recommended for those conducting or supervising a systematic review. Format: [...]

Conducting and publishing a systematic review and meta-analysis (5 half days) (NL)

Online course via Microsoft Teams

The Specialist Course “Conducting and publishing a systematic review and meta-analysis” is a Specialist course part of the Doctoral training programme given by the Knowledge Centre for Health Ghent and the Biostatistics Unit, with the support of the Flemish Government and the Doctoral Schools of Ghent University. Target group Since it is an interactive workshop [...]

Toolbox voor auteurs van (bio)medische artikels

Online course via Microsoft Teams

Editors van (bio)medische tijdschriften krijgen de dag van vandaag een overaanbod van wetenschappelijke artikels. Artikels die passen binnen de scope van het tijdschrift en die voldoen aan internationale standaarden op vlak van rapportering én aan de voorschriften van het tijdschrift (bijv. op vlak van referentieslijst) komen in aanmerking voor peer review. Tijdens deze introductiesessie worden [...]

Learn more about the tools that facilitate your systematic review project

Online course via Microsoft Teams

Performing and publishing a systematic review is a time- and labor-intensive process. However, the journey can be made easier if the right tools are used from the start to for example search and manage references, and document the process. DistillerSR systematic review software facilitates the screening, data extraction and reporting processes of your systematic review. [...]