Vanaf begin van dit academiejaar, is EndNote niet meer beschikbaar op Athena, maar dien je de software lokaal te installeren. Tijdens ons helpdeskmoment kun je ondersteuning krijgen bij problemen met de lokale installatie van EndNote. We raden je aan eerst zelf het stappenplan te doorlopen. Kom je er niet uit? Dan staan we klaar om […] for systematic reviews is a free Web tool developed for researchers creating a systematic review (or other form of evidence synthesis). This tool facilitates the screening process by title and abstract and the full text evaluation. Users of this tool indicate the ease of use, time savings, blinded screening and easy sharing of reasons […]
Generally speaking for researchers, the availability of metrics depends on your research output being available online. Individual researchers might use metrics as evidence for job or grant applications or to inform a publication and communication strategy. Beyond personal interest, research metrics are used to rank and to benchmark universities and to drive policy and funding […]
- Deze sessie is geannuleerd en wordt verplaatst naar een latere datum - With a systematic review you aim to collect all evidence about your research question and to assess its quality. Thanks to this session, you will learn which tools to use for which type of systematic review and we will elaborate on the […]
This session will guide researchers in selecting the right communication strategy to increase their scientific research's visibility. It includes discussion on the tools offered by Ghent University, and the use of social media and online academic networks like LinkedIn, X (formerly known as Twitter), ResearchGate, and It will address the pros of cons of […]