Managing stress and building resilience for researchers

Online course via Microsoft Teams

Work stress is a common phenomenon that is associated with decreased work productivity, depressive and anxiety symptoms, and physical ailments. The aim of this Knowledge 2 Connect seminar is to understand how stress impacts our body, mind and performance. You will learn to differentiate normal stress from chronic stress and burnout. While keeping a balanced [...]

Authoring for Cochrane – how can Cochrane Belgium help you and experiences from a Kidney and Transplant reviewer

Online course via Microsoft Teams

Who and what is The Cochrane Collaboration? How can they help you performing your systematic review? The Cochrane Collaboration aims to promote evidence-informed decision making by producing high quality systematic reviews. In order to comply with methodological standards laid out by the collaboration, review authors must develop specific skills in literature searching, critical appraisal, meta-analysis, [...]

Helping your audience find and understand your academic paper

Leslokaal 5.1 (Campus UZ Gent) C. Heymanslaan 10 (gebouw B3), Gent, België

Activities aimed at promoting research are increasingly important in researchers' work. By making your research visible and accessible and tailor your communication to the target audiences, you increase chances of your research being noticed, used and having impact. During this Knowledge 2 Connect seminar, your get insights in how to write a plain language summary [...]

Integrating Evidence into Practice: exploring the JBI Framework

Online course via Microsoft Teams

The implementation of evidence bridges the gap between research findings and the delivery of effective and high-quality care. JBI has developed a framework for evidence implementation, which will be elucidated during this seminar. JBI is an international organisation that considers evidence-based healthcare as decision-making that considers the feasibility, appropriateness, meaningfulness and effectiveness (FAME) of healthcare [...]

How to Turn your Research Data into Impactful Visuals

KCGG "Stille ruimte" (Campus UZ Gent) C. Heymanslaan 10 (0K3 Ingang 42), Gent

Communicating complex research data is a delicate balancing act. A graph or data visualization for a research article, graphical abstract or scientific poster must not only be accurate and unambiguous, it must also be easy to understand and attractive enough to draw the attention of your audience. In this interactive seminar, Koen will offer you [...]

Empowering Patient Engagement in Research: Bridging Theory and Practice through Inspiring Testimonials [seminar in Dutch]

KCGG "Stille ruimte" (Campus UZ Gent) C. Heymanslaan 10 (0K3 Ingang 42), Gent

PAWO (Patient Advisory Council for Scientific Research @ Ghent University Hospital) actively involves (former) patients, relatives, caregivers, and others in all aspects of scientific research. (Patients and relatives bring a unique perspective to scientific research.) During Knowledge 2 Connect, you will discover: The essence of patient participation in research and its profound benefits for patients, [...]

Knowledge 2 Connect: Unpacking Inclusion and Diversity: Integration in Healthcare Research and Patient Care [workshop in English]

KCGG "Stille ruimte" (Campus UZ Gent) C. Heymanslaan 10 (0K3 Ingang 42), Gent

During this workshop, our focus is to explore inclusion and diversity within the fields of research and patient care, aiming to enhance patient outcomes by raising awareness of diverse and inclusive content in healthcare. The aims of this Knowledge 2 Connect workshop are: Gain insights into the progression of cultural intelligence within healthcare by comprehending [...]

Donations, Funds, Legacies and Chairs in Health Research: Strategy and Inspiring Best Practices [seminar in Dutch]

Online course via Microsoft Teams

Are you involved in research and interested in exploring opportunities for financial support through donations, fundraising, chairs, and legacies? The University Fund guides and advises on the possibilities to support research, education, and services at Ghent University. The team of the University Fund will illustrate the distinctions between donations, funds, chairs, and legacies through best [...]

How to Prepare Your Data for Posting in a Repository: seminar

Leslokaal 3.1 (Campus UZ Gent) K3 - ingang 42

Maybe you are convinced that Open Science1 is the proper way forward, maybe you need to adhere to the FWO policy2 with regard to research results or maybe you want to implement the data publication requirement of sharing clinical result data after closing a clinical trial3. In all cases you will want to post data [...]

How to Prepare Your Data for Posting in a Repository: workshop

Leslokaal 3.1 (Campus UZ Gent) K3 - ingang 42

In the workshop we will identify the different data types that are collected during your own research project. We will review attributes of data in repositories and evaluate their usefulness based on how FAIR the data are. And we will experience first hand what it takes to deposit data in a data repository. Please take [...]