Online course via Microsoft Teams

Do you want to explore the features of this database including nursing evidence? Do you have the feeling you can find too many or just too few scientific articles in CINAHL? Are the articles you find often irrelevant? Do you feel you are losing a lot of time in your literature search? Then do not [...]

Web of Science

Online course via Microsoft Teams

Do you want to explore the features of searching in this multidisciplinary database? Then do not hesitate to enroll.   Learning outcomes of the course Upon completion of this course, participants will have an understanding of which source is most suitable for which research question and goal, an understanding of stemming and lemmatization, the skills [...]

Embase (via the interface)

Online course via Microsoft Teams

Do you want to explore the features of database, seen as the European ‘counterpart’ of PubMed? Do you have the feeling you can find too many or just too few scientific articles in Embase? Are the articles you find often irrelevant? Do you feel you are losing a lot of time in your literature search? [...]

The Cochrane Library

Online course via Microsoft Teams

Do you want to explore the Cochrane database of systematic reviews, CENTRAL and Clinical Answers? Then do not hesitate to enroll.   Learning outcomes of the course Upon completion of this course, participants will have an understanding of which source is most suitable for which research question and goal, an understanding of indexing and the [...]

Referentiebeheer in EndNote

Online course via Microsoft Teams

Met de software EndNote kan je bibliografieën en referenties beheren. Zo wordt het schrijven van een scriptie of publicatie veel eenvoudiger. Tijdens deze online sessie leer je elementair met deze software werken en krijg je enkele aandachtspunten mee. Voorkennis is niet vereist, maar het is handig als je al elementair kan zoeken in databanken als [...]


Do you want to explore the features of this database including nursing evidence? Do you have the feeling you can find too many or just too few scientific articles in CINAHL? Are the articles you find often irrelevant? Do you feel you are losing a lot of time in your literature search? Then do not [...]


Online course via Microsoft Teams

Do you want to explore the features of searching in this multidisciplinary database? Then do not hesitate to enroll. Learning outcomes of the course Upon completion of this course, participants will have an understanding of which source is most suitable for which research question and goal, an understanding of stemming and lemmatization, the skills to [...]


Online course via Microsoft Teams

Do you want to explore the additional features of searching in Ovid MEDLINE instead of PubMed? Do you want to prepare yourself for an international career where this interface is used much more frequently? Then do not hesitate to enroll. Learning outcomes of the course Upon completion of this course, participants will have an understanding [...]

MEDLINE (via the PubMed interface)

Online course via Microsoft Teams

Do you have the feeling you can find too many or just too few scientific articles in PubMed? Are the articles you find often irrelevant? Do you feel you are losing a lot of time in your literature search? Then do not hesitate to enroll.   Learning outcomes of the course Upon completion of this [...]

Systematisch zoeken naar wetenschappelijke literatuur

Online course via Microsoft Teams

Voel je je overweldigd door alle beschikbare informatie of kan je net niet genoeg wetenschappelijk onderbouwde informatie vinden? Het Kenniscentrum helpt je graag op weg. In deze basis Blits-informatiesessie geven we een overzicht van hoe je systematisch op zoek kan gaan naar wetenschappelijke literatuur. Inschrijven is mogelijk om een bevestigingsmail met Teams-link te ontvangen in [...]