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Editors of (bio)medical journals today receive an overload of scientific articles. Articles that fit within the scope of the journal and comply with international standards in terms of reporting as well as the journal’s regulations are eligible for peer review.

During this introductory session, tips & tricks and a toolbox are provided to increase your chances of success for a peer-reviewed publication.

Topics andtools such as proofreading, manuscript citation matcher, reference management software, author guidelines, open access, predatory journals, journal ranking, altmetrics, preprints and ORCID ID will be covered.

Format: 1h online interactive session

Target group: This session is targeted toward researchers, but is open to all interested people.  


The following questions will be answered:

  • – What criteria should my scientific article meet before publication?
  • – How can I ask for proofreading?
  • – What does authorship of scientific articles entail?
  • – Why do I use reference software and which one should I use (Mendeley or EndNote )?
  • – How do I select a journal?
  • – How do I satisfy Open Access requirements or obligations?
  • – What are predatory journals and how can I recognize them?
  • – How can I increase the visibility of my research?


Teacher: Nele Pauwels (Information Specialist, Knowledge Centre for health Ghent)

Registration: https://event.ugent.be/registration/toolboxmanunscript

Maximum number of participants: 15

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