Stress Management for Researchers: Strategies, Support and Building Resilience
14 maart 12:00 - 13:30
As a researcher, particularly in the medical field, you often encounter unique challenges and pressures. Whether it’s dealing with experiments that may fail, navigating ethical dilemmas, delivering public presentations, or meeting tight deadlines, these stressors can significantly impact your mental health and productivity. Understanding these challenges and developing effective strategies to manage stress is essential for maintaining well-being and enhancing performance.
This workshop aims to provide insights into how stress works, along with practical strategies to manage stress reactions and build resilience by changing unhelpful thinking habits. Additionally, participants will learn about the resources available at UGent for support when facing stress at work, dealing with stress-related absences, or considering a return to work after recovery.
By the end of this workshop, you will be able to recognize your personal “red flags” and have a toolbox full of tips, tricks, and immediate strategies to help build resilience in your research career.
Guest speakers: Pieter Deltombe (Ghent University)
Language: English
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