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MEDLINE (via the PubMed interface)
04/05/2023 10:00 - 11:00
Do you have the feeling you can find too many or just too few scientific articles in PubMed? Are the articles you find often irrelevant? Do you feel you are losing a lot of time in your literature search? Then do not hesitate to enroll.
Learning outcomes of the course
Upon completion of this course, participants will have
- an understanding of which source is most suitable for which research question and goal,
- an understanding of indexing and the assets of using the index terms while searching,
- an understanding of stemming and lemmatization,
- the skills to perform a time-efficient search for (the latest) literature,
- the skills to use this database for a systematic review,
- the skills to efficiently use the unique features of the source in order to enhance retrieval of information
Blended learning (for each of the modules), entirely online
- instruction videos explaining the theory and including demo searches (approximately 1h) will be available at Ufora to watch at their own pace
- an exercise to perform at their own pace (approximately 1h)
- discussion of the exercise and question and answer session with teacher (1h) + quiz (10 min) at the end of the session
Teacher: Nele Pauwels (Information Specialist Knowledge Centre for Health Ghent)
Registration: https://webappsx.ugent.be/eventManager/events/NEXTmedline