Integrating Evidence into Practice: exploring the JBI Framework
06/10/2023 12:00 - 13:30
The implementation of evidence bridges the gap between research findings and the delivery of effective and high-quality care. JBI has developed a framework for evidence implementation, which will be elucidated during this seminar.
JBI is an international organisation that considers evidence-based healthcare as decision-making that considers the feasibility, appropriateness, meaningfulness and effectiveness (FAME) of healthcare practices. Therefore, JBI developed not only strategies to generate and synthesize evidence, it also has designed programs to enable the effective implementation of evidence and evaluation of its impact on healthcare practice.
Marleen Corremans, director of JBI Belgium, wil demonstrate in the Knowledge 2 Connect seminar, how JBI Belgium generates evidence by conducting systematic reviews of qualitative evidence. Furthermore, she will demontrate how JBI Belgium can assist you in implementing evidence in a sustainable manner using the JBI Implementation Framework.
Guest speaker: Marleen Corremans (JBI Belgium)
Language: English
Sign up: https://event.ugent.be/registration/K2CJBIframework