Societal outreach

As part of the societal outreach policy plan of the Faculty of ‘Medicine and Health Sciences’, the Knowledge Centre for Health Ghent (KCGG) focuses on organising sessions for the general public. Together with subject matter experts, KCGG organises the session ‘Dr. Google: searching for reliable health information’. These sessions aim to increase the use and search for reliable health information resources and to bring more specific content topics related to health to the broad public.

The sessions take place at various locations such as public libraries, community centres, and upon request for other organisations, such as patient organisations. For most sessions, we collaborate with Avansa (Ghent region), an organisation that offers workshops and lectures to adults. Avansa or the organising libraries or organisations take care of the communication. Avansa, Comon, UiTPAS, and the websites of the organisations further promote the sessions.

What is the purpose of the sessions?

First, an information specialist from KCGG gives a preesentation regarding finding reliable health information for half an hour. We then collaborate with experts from the Ghent University Faculty or Ghent University Hospital, who usually discuss their field of expertise for about 90 minutes as part of doing outreach efforts. We discuss which websites or applications are reliable and how users can best identify reliable sources. We do not provide lists, but participants are mainly given tools and key principles so that they can get started themselves.

The target audience is very diverse, both in terms of age and the prior knowledge they have on the subject.

KCGG actively looks for themes that could be interesting to the broad public.

Topics that are currently covered include:

  • Movement Applications – given by Delfien Van Dijck – Senior Lecturer, Department of Movement and Sports Sciences
  • Sleeping healthy – given by Anneke Vandendriessche – Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Public Health and Primary Care
  • Skin Detection – given by Isabelle Hoorens – Postdoctoral Research Scientist and Lieve Brochez, Department of Head and Skin (to be scheduled)

KCGG takes care of the practical organisation and coordinates with the expert. Consulting with the expert, the content is adjusted as needed to the context, the target group, or the location where these sessions are given.

Contact Information

if you have any questions or interest in sharing your expertise or research with the broader public, please contact Ann De Meulemeester at the email address:

Overview of Dr. Google sessions in 2024

  • Monday 5 February (18:45-21:45) – De Krook
  • Thursday 14 March (13:30-15:30) – Arhus Roeselare
  • Friday 15 March (19:00-20:00) – Nazareth
  • Thursday 11 April (14:00-16:00) – Dendermonde Patient Association CVS
  • Saturday 20 April (10:00-12:00) – Deinze
  • Saturday 20 April (14:00-16:00) – Roeselare Patient Association CVS
  • Wednesday 14 May (19:00-20:00) – Deinze
  • Saturday 25 May (10:15-12:15) – De Krook
  • Tuesday 28 May (19:30-20:30) – Kaprijke
  • Wednesday 29 May (14:00-16:00) – Waarschot
  • Thursday 20 June (14:00-16:00) – Assenede
  • Thursday 12 September (14:00-16:30) – Plazzo (Platform Self Care Flanders) Gent
  • Monday 21 October (14:00-16:00) – Evergem