Knowledge 2 Connect

Knowledge 2 Connect is an initiative organized by the Knowledge Centre for Health Ghent. Every year the knowledge centre organizes five Knowledge 2 Connect meetings aimed at supporting researchers. The focus is based on providing customized information and exchanging best practices. The seminars are practice oriented and tailored to researchers who perform research in the area of medicine and health.

Practical information

The seminars will be organized either entirely on the UZ Gent campus, entirely via MS Teams, or in a hybrid format. The choice is made in consultation with the guest speaker.

Registration is required for each seminar via the link below. If the seminar takes place on campus, a sandwich lunch will be provided, thanks to our sponsors.

For online or hybrid seminars, you will receive an email with practical details, including the MS Teams link for participation, a few days before the seminar.

CME credits / Doctoral Schools

Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits (i.e. ‘accreditatie’) has been requested for all Knowledge 2 Connect meetings (section 6 ‘Ethics and Economics’). The Knowledge 2 Connect program is part of the Transferable Skills programme (Cluster Research & Valorisation) of the Doctoral Schools of Life Sciences and Medicine.

Contact details

Questions or suggestions? Nele Pauwels, information specialist at KCGG ( or 09/332 24 43).


Program 2024 – 2025

Past activities

Presentations and video recordings are available through Ufora. (Not all sessions will be recorded.) If you have problems accessing the specific page on Ufora, you should register.

29/03/’24 – Donations, Funds, Legacies and Chairs in Health Research: Strategy and Inspiring Best Practices [seminar in Dutch]

09/02/’24 – Empowering Patient Engagement in Research: Bridging Theory and Practice through Inspiring Testimonials [seminar in Dutch]

17/11/’23 – How to Turn your Research Data into Impactful Visuals

06/10/’23 – Integrating Evidence into Practice: exploring the JBI Framework

16/06/’23 – Helping your audience find and understand your academic paper

26/05/’23 – Authoring for Cochrane – how can Cochrane Belgium help you and experiences from a Kidney and Transplant reviewer

10/02/’23 –Managing stress and building resilience for researchers

13/01/’23 – Grant proposal writing skills: your research in a CV

21/10/’22 – Discover the unknown features of Scopus, a tool to explore and disseminate research

20/05/’22 – Creativity as a driver to innovation in healthcare

25/03/’22 – Research metrics: learn about the new developments of Research Explorer, GISMO, FRIS, ORCID and BIBLIO and what the merit is for you!

11/02/’22 – How to survive an interview with a journalist?

19/11/’21 – Research Data Management trends and requirements: Funder & journal policies

17/09/’21 – How to get more out of GIDEON: a clinical decision support web application and ebook series covering Infectious Diseases and Microbiology 

21/05/2021 – How to improve your networking skills?

12/03/2021 – Tools for a strategic and successful societal impact policy

05/02/2021 – Image manipulation: the do’s and don’ts in scientific publications

04/12/2020 – Improving your research through open platforms

18/09/2020 – A digital approach to patient recruitment for clinical trials

19/06/2020 – Online Course: How to and why considering the importance of economic evaluations when writing research proposals/protocols?

07/02/2020 – How to peer review a scientific manuscript for a biomedical journal?

22/11/2019 – How to turn complex data into powerful visuals?

13/09/2019 – How to become a successful grant proposal writer?

24/05/2019 – Donations, Funds, Legacies and Chairs in Health Research

29/03/2019 – How to Become a Prolific Academic Writer?

08/02/2019 – Time Management for Academic Researchers

23/11/2018 – Give your research a real lifeIntroduction to TechTransfer

23/11/2018 –  [CANCELED] The Impact of the New Privacy Law (GDPR) in (Bio)medical Research

14/09/2018 – How to Search Effectively for Nursing and Allied Health Literature in CINAHL

25/05/2018: Scientific integrity: what can we as researchers do? A Knowledge 2 Connect with hands-on advice based on real-life examples in Medicine and Health Sciences

09/03/2018: How to Get your Message Across Effectively: the Science of Storytelling

09/02/2018: UpToDate AnyWhere: what’s new and how to search effectively in this database at the point of care?

24/11/2017: An Authors’ Guide to Scientific Publishing (A Knowledge 2 Connect lunch meeting tailored to junior researchers)

22/09/2017: Open Science Framework: an open source web application that connects and supports the research workflow

19/05/2017: [CANCELED] Hoe omgaan met de vraag van een bedrijf, een patiënt of een patiëntenorganisatie om uw onderzoek financieel te steunen?

22/03/2017: Je digitale identiteit, onderzoeksdata en apparatuur beveiligen: gemakkelijker gezegd dan gedaan?

8/02/2017: How can I turn my manuscript into an article?

23/11/2016: De privacywetgeving en hoe deze toepassen in (bio)medisch onderzoek?

14/09/2016: Why (also) use Embase as source for biomedical literature? A comparison with MEDLINE/PubMed and advanced searching techniques in Embase

27/05/2016: Data management: Data life cycle en DMP tool

15/04/2016: Open Access publiceren

26/02/2016: Impact en interactie: communicatiestrategie en het gebruik van sociale media/digitale platformen voor onderzoekers